
[Sprite] Los sprites dinámicos de surf overworld


'El Creador del Mundo'
Hola amigos, como codificador he estado muy activo haciendo esto o aquello, ahora quiero expandir el proyecto dinámico de surf overworld de ghoulslash. Para aquellos que no lo saben, consulte esto:
No puedo hacer sprites del mundo exterior por mí mismo, aún puedo expandir este código si tengo a su gente ayudando en los sprites.
por ejemplo, esto

Listo de pokemon gen 1-3
Gen I : 99% (only dratini missing and gyrados sprite has a bug)
Squirtle - Complete (emme97)
Wartortle - Complete (Avara)
Blastoise - Complete (emme97)
Nidoqueen - complete
Nidoking - complete
Psyduck - Complete (ghoulslash)
Golduck - Complete (ghoulslash)
Poliwag - complete
Poliwhirl - complete
Poliwrath - complete
Tentacool - Complete (Avara)
Tentacruel - Complete (Avara)
Slowpoke - Complete (ghoulslash)
Slowbro - Complete (ghoulslash)
Seel - Complete (ghoulslash)
Dewgong - Complete (ghoulslash)
Shellder - complete
Cloyster - complete
Krabby - complete
Kingler - complete
Lickitung - complete
Rhydon - complete
Kangaskhan - complete
Horsea - complete
Seadra - complete
Goldeen - complete
Seaking - complete
Staryu - Complete (ghoulslash)
Starmie - Complete (ghoulslash)
Tauros - complete
Gyarados - complete
Lapras - Complete (Slawter666)
Vaporeon - Complete (ghoulslash)
Omanyte - complete
Omastar - complete
Kabuto - complete
Kabutops - complete
Snorlax - complete
Dratini - missing
Dragonair - complete
Dragonite - complete
Mew - complete

Gen 2: 100%
Totodile - complete
Croconaw - complete
Feraligatr - complete
Sentret - Complete (gota_csm)
Furret - Complete (gota_csm)
Chinchou - complete
Lanturn - complete
Marill - complete
Azumarill- Complete(Shiny)
Politoed - complete
Wooper - complete
Quagsire - complete
Slowking - Complete (ghoulslash)
Qwilfish - complete
Sneasel - complete
Corsola - complete
Remoraid - complete
Octillery - complete
Mantine - complete
Kingdra - complete
Miltank - complete
Suicune - complete
Tyranitar - complete
Lugia - complete

Gen 3: 55%
Mudkip - complete
Marshtomp - complete
Swampert - Complete (Zhyruk)
Zigzagoon - complete
Linoone - complete
Lotad - complete
Lombre - complete
Ludicolo - complete
Pelipper - complete
Exploud - complete
Makuhita - complete
Hariyama - complete
Azurill - complete
Aggron - missing
Carvanha - missing
Sharpedo - missing
Wailmer - Complete (Hestia)
Wailord - missing
Barboach - missing
Whiscash - missing
Corphish - missing
Crawdaunt - missing
Feebas - missing
Milotic - complete
Spheal - Complete (ghoulslash)
Sealeo - Complete (ghoulslash)
Walrein - Complete (ghoulslash)
Clamperl - missing
Huntail - missing
Gorebyss - missing
Relicanth - missing
Luvdisc - missing
Latias - missing
Latios - missing
Kyogre - missing
Rayquaza - missing

nuestro repositorio:
Seré honrado si esto se hace.
Última edición:


'El Creador del Mundo'
Última edición:


Pequeño saltamontes
Holà! Gracias por tu trabajo increible!!
No tengo pc ahora, quiere saber si tiene uno patch o hackrom por favor?? El kyogre es increible!


Pequeño saltamontes
Unfortunately i dont have any coding knowledge but im making à youtube story of pokemon firered mixing in some épisodes from thé animé and movies and when i saw the kyogre surf sprite and dragonite i just couldnt resist! If you are able to make à patch i will surely give you à shoutout on my video!


Pequeño saltamontes
I mean if you could take this screenshot with red on kyogre surely you had à patch or à rom to do it?


Let the voice of love take you higher
Hey please anyone can make this à patch i would apreciate? 🤗
Hello. (Sorry if my english is bad)
You can use this tutorial

Only replace DPE & CFRU by the dynamic surf overworld.

PS: The tutorial is in spanish, use Google Translate if you don't understand.

PS 2: If you don't know how to download the repository only go to link, press code and go to "Download ZIP".

P.S 3: If this method don't work (on my case worked) I'll make a patch for you :v